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What is the Web?

What is a Web Search Engine?

What is a Web Ontology? [see: ontos]

What is the Web Evolution? [see: evolutio]

... the Web is the browsable, viewable, readable, searchable information source which resides on top of the Internet... the concept of a decentralized, nodal, communicative, information system... in which text could be linked to other text, eventually creating a 'web' of information...”
“...The Web serves as a delinearized path of information, it is the exact opposite of a book...”
“...As an information store and forum for correspondence, the web blends and blurs the limits of each of the other media...”
“...While commodity status serves to solidify the web as a concept and technology, the realities of the web show that no paradigm is safe from complete upheaval. As the discussion shifts from technology to design, it becomes evident that the commodities of technology form the basis for creativity...”
-- Matthew Lee,
Typography for the Web of Information & Considering the Web as Media, 2002.

Saying today “the web is a technology” just the same as to say “painting is a technology of putting colors on a paper”, the web like any other art became a tool of expressing ones thoughts and feelings. And the same way as the painting is; with its compositions, artists, galleries, art schools, public (devotees) and even producers. The web has all these essential parts for being an art; compositions named web pages, composition facets named web page meanings, announcements named web homepages (websites), groups of interests named web communities, galleries named web portals, visitors named web surfers, artists named web designers, art schools named web design schools, and even producers named web search engine optimization companies, or SEO companies.

The art of painting original arrangements composed of elements taken from conceived rather than perceived reality.”
-- Guillaume Apollinaire,
The Beginnings of Cubism, 1912.

Although every composition has its own complete image, its facets provide it an ability to be viewed as a part of a content-sensitive association, at the web we call this as web essay. This concept is also called a horizontal navigation among the websites. In this light, the vision of a web search engine as a web essays maker, which takes all the related to a particular issue facets of compositions and weaves them together for a whole idea, provides it a new role in a web page content production. This is unlike statistic-based search engines working from the outside, totally ignoring the conceptual structure of data that they filter. Because of their extrinsic filtering procedures, these search engines cannot guarantee content-driven search.
There are some obstacles to the exploitation of the web as a universal and hybrid (digital and analogical contents) repository of web essays. First one is weaving irrelevant contents by hyperlinks, this crucial function should be integrated and tuned. A second strong limit of the hyper-linking system provided by search engines is filtering the web using words and strings, that are textual elements. Textual search is very inadequate in order to filter conceptually coherent content in the web. It suffers the misleading effect of word polisemia, moreover it is difficult to effectively manage the multi-linguistic character of the web, finally, it is not appropriate to represent and filter extra-textual documentation which constitute an ever growing dimension in the web.
Even if some of these limits can be overcome by the adoption of community multilingual controlled dictionaries, textual classification remains inadequate if we look for content-sensitive associations. In fact web essays constitute a fundamental challenge for the development of the web as a universal and hybrid repository to be meaningfully explored horizontally. In order to achieve this goal we will have to shift emphasis in a composition from words and textual elements to its meanings. This shift has to be considered as a crucial step, the re-contextualizing of the web implies in fact the systematic production of web essays, and they will be fully effective only if they are based upon semantic classification. [More...]

...The artists chose to break down the subjects they were painting into a number of facets, showing several different aspects of one object simultaneously...”
-- Nicolas Pioch,
Cubism, 2002.

However, we cannot expect the Web to stop growing and changing simply because we have fit it into the framework of an ontology. Instead, the ontologies must evolve with the Web, and must allow for different growth rates in different areas...”
-- Jeff Heflin & James Hendler,
Dynamic Ontologies on the Web, 2000.

Considering the web as an art, we call the ontology as an art revival, where all semantically related facets of different compositions are weaved by one scenario and represented as a meaningful idea.
Ontological system of classifications, shared by the web community involved in the web exploitation – a community formed by subjects who are, at the same time, users and provider (visitors and artists) – will guarantee both the rational construction of a universal hybrid repository and the possibility of effective navigation in it. Ontologies will serve both as web essays makers and as effective representations of the compositions facets structures, thus paving the way for their use as tools for e-learning activity and giving the users the possibility of designing personal itineraries in the web. Users will also have the chance of improving the efficiency the implementations, by producing standardized descriptive meta-data which will become shared knowledge for the web community. They will not simply access data provided by others, but will be able to create added value to be exploited by the community. This allows the users to express their creativity and become artists and not remaining visitors only, which means removing a barrier between two major communities, web designers (artists) and web surfers (visitors), and leaving groups of interests only; with their own behaviors, characteristics, ideas, ideals, beliefs and even myths.

... As the Web embraces it's textual nature, inroads are being made into exploring the Web itself, as not only a complex informational space, but as a social space as well...”
-- Matthew Lee,
Browsers and Platforms, 2002.

Another facet of the web is its dynamic nature. This stems from its sociological ground, should be noted here that current aspect has very little concern to the resent changes of a website, even statistic-based search engines exploit their collecting methods, known as crawlers, in different ways for different types of sites, for example they exploit more intensive crawling for news sites. A web dynamic or a web evolution is related to the meanings of web compositions (web pages).
Tracking changes of the web or determining a web dynamic means determining progress tendency of each topic on the web, which is nothing else, but verifying and tracking changes of names playing major and minor roles in a web topic. For example a few years ago there were a few companies which are cellular phones makers, today we see them a lot. In other words, the same way as art critics give their judgments about various issues, concerning different compositions and different art styles, a web search engine should be able to determine web topics' dynamics. Based on the latters, we call this tendency determining as a web criticism.
As it can be understood from its name web criticism can be used as a function of estimating for a web topic's weight (WebTopicWeight), as well as for web pages' weights. For web pages weights it is a verifying of so called soft links (NameSoftLink) to a web page, which means looking for all web pages containing names from a source web page. Current measure we see as more objective than a regular hard link (a hyperlink) to a web page because of web's dynamic nature, as was mentioned before. As a correcting function a web search engine should collect statistics from web surfers about a web page popularity. [More...]

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